Help Us Develop the Next Generation of Revolutionaries in the United States

Dear supporters and friends of Socialist Organizer and The Organizer newspaper,

We’re writing to you, our longtime subscribers and supporters, to help us create the next generation of leaders in the revolutionary struggle to which so many of us have devoted our lives. Your financial contribution is essential to help cover the costs for five young militants to attend the revolutionary youth camp in France at the end of August. The camp itself has been organized by youth in the French section of the OCRFI. [See below their call to support the youth camp.]

It may seem like yesterday, but for many of us, it has been more than half a century of activism and for others almost that long. We began as youth and members of political organizations – and in our workplaces through our union activity.

Recently, we were thrilled by the rapid mobilization of youth during the Black Lives Matter movement that swept across the country; the outpouring of young women to protect and expand reproductive rights, particularly the essential right of abortion; the surge of young workers involved in union organizing; and, since October, the exponential growth across the country and internationally of youth protesting against U.S. involvement in the genocide of the Palestinian people and supporting the Palestinian peoples’ right to self-determination.

We know that mass movements can grow rapidly and then dissipate. We ourselves have seen and experienced this often enough. That is why, it is the process of building and strengthening the revolutionary organization that is essential and, for us, creates a potential rudder for the struggles ahead.

We ask for your assistance to develop and expand both Socialist Organizer and the Ujima People’s Progress Party (UPP), a Black working-class party based in Maryland with whom we work closely. We, in SO, have selected two youth to attend the revolutionary youth camp and UPP have selected three of their young activists to attend the revolutionary youth camp as well.

Your contribution will help raise $5,000 to (1) to send these five youth from the United States to the youth camp and (2) to contribute to the general travel fund for youth from African countries as well. Please fill out the coupon below.

The five activists are:

  1. Maddison Garland-Tirado, member, Black Alliance for Peace; lead organizer of Pro-Palestine encampment at SUNY New Paltz campus (New York)
  2. Sara Wasdahl, union organizer and student, New York, N.Y.
  3. Petros Bein, member, Ujima People’s Progress Party (Maryland)
  4. Roger Evans, Jr., member, Ujima People’s Progress Party (Maryland)
  5. Brandon Walker, member, Ujima People’s Progress Party (Maryland)

You can make your contribution on our website using the link for The Organizer Expansion Fund or send a check to The Organizer, P.O. Box 1782, New York, N.Y. New York, NY 10025 with a notation that it is a contribution for the youth camp fund. Your contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more would be greatly appreciated.

We look forward to hearing back from you. Please contact us if you have any questions and/or if you would like more for more information.

Mya Shone and Alan Benjamin

For the Socialist Organizer National Organizing Committee

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Participants in the June 2 antiwar rally in Paris organized by the Workers Party

A Fraternal Gathering of Young People from All Over the World in the Fight Against War and for Revolution


It’s now been seven months since Netanyahu, with complete impunity, has pursued his operation to massacre the Palestinian people –and this with the support of Biden, the European Union, and the Macron government, who are supplying him with ever more weapons and funding.

With the assault on Gaza’s last city, Rafah, where almost 1.5 million Palestinians have taken refuge, this imperialist war has entered a new phase.

At the same time, in Central Europe, the war in Ukraine is escalating, claiming the lives of a million young people and workers on both sides of the front. This war pits people against people in the sole interests of the capitalist class. It, too, is financed by Biden, NATO, and Macron, who are pouring billions into it. Macron and his government are now preparing to send French troops over there.

These two wars are, in fact, one and the same war that Biden and his allies, including Macron and Schultz, are waging in the interests of imperialism against the youth and workers of the entire world.

To which we respond, not one penny, not one weapon, not one soldier for the war in Ukraine. Stop sending weapons to Israel and Ukraine. Immediately requisition the billions spent on war and redirect these funds toward our schools, our universities, and our public services.

In this world marching toward war, we French political activists have decided to organize an international meeting of young revolutionaries from all over the world. Those present will include young people from Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, Mexico, Azania/South Africa, the United States, Portugal, Morocco, and many more (list in formation).

It will be a meeting where we can share our common experiences and learn how to organize together against the governments that want to pit the young people and the workers of different countries against each other. It will be a meeting for the fraternization of workers and youth against war, for the workers’ revolution.

This meeting will take place from August 28 to 30 in central France. Please join us!’

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